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SCBWI Event - Running a Kickstarter!

Had an amazing time talking at the SCBWI event this past weekend.

Marcus Clawson and I learned that, yes, it is easy to fill 2 hours talking about running a Kickstarter. We had to have an official go "Okay, we have to stop talking. Time has run out!" And even then, the attendees were asking questions afterwards about running campaigns.

At that point, we had to get kicked out and reminded of the time. Success! I suffer from imposter syndrome so I did a TON of prep work before the event. I'd ask myself "Who am I to be giving this talk?"

To which my husband exclaimed: "You raised $43K!"

Me: "Well, besides that..."

It wasn't until he asked me the question "If you were going to this event would you be happy with your presentation?"

Me: "Yes, if I never ran a campaign I'd be excited just to hear someone talk about their experience"

Husband: ""

That's when it clicked for me that there was no reason to worry. The event was a success, it was really rad to talk to new creatives about their future campaigns, and had a chance to meet cool new people.

SCBWI (the Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators) is an amazing organization. If you haven't checked out their page they have some great resources and host tons of similar events year round.

Also, Marcus made an illustration of the caretaker! He had shared it with me over email before but since our paths would be crossing, because of the talk, he took the time frame and surprise me with it!

So what's next? April 27th, I'll be in Orville, California for Oro Con. Perfect amount of in-between time to work more on the Kickstarter commissions.

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